First Citation :’)

Okay so this is perhaps self-indulgent or silly but I just got a notification that one of my academic papers was cited in someone’s thesis and I am so so excited & honored! This is particularly cool for me because the piece cited is one of my favorite essays I’ve ever written, “Mourning, Madness, & Monstrosity: The Matrix of Claustrophobia,” an analysis of how claustrophobia is used in seminal works of Gothic literature. Apparently in 2019 a student in Croatia, Monika Mikolčić, used it for her undergraduate thesis, "American Horror Story as Adaptation of E. A. Poe's The Fall of the House of Usher"! I’m so pleased to have been a helpful resource for her paper, which I very much enjoyed.

Check out her thesis here:




Wingless Dreamer’s Summer Fireflies Anthology!


Circling Origins with Claire Campbell