Interview Feature: "Arroyo Records"


This week my talented colleague Alison Gamache's Jackalope Magazine article discussed Santa Fe University's student-run record label, Arroyo Records. Created in 2014 by the collaborative efforts of Contemporary Music chair Horace Alexander Young and his students, the label strives to showcase the different abilities of SFUAD's students. Most of the work is run from a semester class called the Interdisciplinary Arts Collective, which I was apart of in 2015. For a year I was head of the Artists and Repertoire division, acting as an artist-label liaison, talent scouting, and conducting inter-label communications. 

I think it's really important to have university businesses like Arroyo be student-led not only because it broadens the skills and responsibilities (and, let's be honest, resume fodder) of the student staff. Learning about business not only in our artistic field but those of our friends and colleagues will serve us in our futures to help us become successful and productive.

Read Alison's article here:



The Sisterhood of Night


Interview: Anna Holland