Odyssey - "Tattoos Are Good For You"

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I've two tats so far (and many more planned), and I can't imagine wearing skin without them now.

My first, "I am the witness, and I listen to sounds and colors." on my right shoulder blade, was actually a quote from my friend's essay that I just immediately connected with. Like, I audibly gasped and dropped the paper; it was amusing to see, so I'm told. So I asked him if I could get that in my skin, and he gave me permission, and I love it so much. It makes me feel one with the universe.

My most recent is the jellyfish twins pictured. I've always been obsessed with jellyfish; I think they're some of the most beautiful creatures on the planet, and there's just something about them I identify intensely with. And, wow, now that I have my own, on me forever, I feel so free and beautiful and in-tune with myself. 2016 has not been my favorite so far, so getting the twins has greatly helped me feel better about myself.

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Glyph 2016!


Odyssey - "Hair Change is Self Change"